6 Tips To Relieve Tooth Pain

Aug 27, 2022

Do you have a toothache? Tooth pain can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. It can make it difficult to eat, speak, or even sleep.

That’s why we’ve provided six tips you can try to help relieve tooth pain. We will also discuss the possible causes of tooth pain and what you can do to reduce the amount of discomfort you experience.

Finally, we will remind you that regular dentist visits and proactive oral health are the best way to prevent dental problems and relieve any existing pain.

Helpful tips to relieve tooth pain

There are a few things you can do at home to help relieve your toothache pain. Here are 6 great tricks to try:

Cold compress/hot pack

Apply a cold compress or hot pack to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time. This will help reduce inflammation and pain. If you don’t have a hot pack, you can make one by microwaving a damp cloth for 30-60 seconds.


Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen to help reduce swelling and pain. Make sure to read the label for dosage and to see how often you can take the medication. While pain medicines can help alleviate pain, it’s typically just temporary relief until the medication wears off.

Saltwater rinse

Rinse your mouth with salt water several times a day. This will help reduce bacteria and irritation in the affected area. Salt water also helps heal oral wounds and can help reduce inflammation. Try not to swallow the saltwater, though!


Some research suggests that certain acupressure points can help relieve tooth pain by releasing endorphins. Apply pressure to the acupressure point on your hand that corresponds to your toothache pain.

You can find this point by placing your thumb on the outer side of your wrist and moving up until you feel a tender spot. Apply gentle pressure for 30 seconds and release. Repeat as needed.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

Hydrogen peroxide has antimicrobial properties and it can help treat any existing infection. To make a peroxide rinse, mix three parts of hydrogen peroxide with warm water then rinse your mouth with it.

Other natural home remedies to relieve tooth pain

There are several other natural remedies that can help relieve toothache pain. Many fruits, herbs, and oils have medicinal properties that can help treat a painful tooth until you get professional attention. These include:

Peppermint tea bags

Place a peppermint tea bag on the affected tooth for 15-20 minutes at a time. This will help reduce pain and inflammation.

Some people prefer to chill or freeze the tea bags first to enhance the cooling effect. Alternatively, some people find it comforting to apply a warm tea bag to the affected area.

Clove oil

Known for numbing oral pain and reducing inflammation, clove oil can provide temporary relief from tooth pain. To use clove oil, apply a small amount to a cotton ball and dab it onto the affected area.


Did you know that garlic can kill bacteria and relieve pain? To use, crush it into a paste and apply to the area, or chew on a clove of garlic.

Guava mouthwash

The tropical fruit guava also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help heal wounds and reduce tooth pain. Either chew fresh guava leaves or boil crushed guava leaves in water to make a mouthwash.

Thyme mouthwash

The herb thyme also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, meaning it can kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. It is a natural disinfectant.

You can make a mouthwash by adding a few drops of Thyme essential oil to water to rinse with, or applying some to a cotton ball and dabbing on the wound.

Possible causes of tooth pain

Tooth pain can be caused by a variety of things, including:


Dental decay is one of the most common causes of tooth pain. Cavities form when the enamel that protects your teeth starts to break down.

This can happen due to poor dental hygiene, eating sugary foods, or drinking acidic beverages. When food particles get stuck between teeth, they can cause decay.

Abscessed tooth

An abscessed tooth is a serious dental infection. It occurs when bacteria get into the pulp of your tooth and starts to spread. Abscessed teeth can be extremely painful and require prompt medical attention.

Teeth grinding

Frequent teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a condition that can cause pain in your jaw and teeth. It often happens at night while you’re sleeping. Teeth grinding can be caused by stress or anxiety.


An infection in your gums, teeth, or jawbone can also cause tooth pain. This type of infection is often the result of untreated cavities or gum disease.

Cracked tooth syndrome

Broken tooth or “cracked tooth” syndrome is a condition that occurs when your tooth cracks. Cracks can be caused by biting down on hard objects, grinding your teeth, or eating sugary foods.

Gum disease

Gingivitis, AKA gum disease, is a serious dental condition that can cause pain, swelling, and bleeding in your gums. Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible to determine the cause.

Reduce toothache pain with regular dentist visits

The best way to reduce your risk of developing dental problems is to see your dentist regularly. Dentists can detect early signs of decay and other problems before they become serious. Practicing good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent issues with your teeth that can lead to painful and expensive issues.

They can also provide treatments and recommendations to prevent dental problems from occurring. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, don’t hesitate to see your dentist. They can help determine the cause of your pain and provide relief.

What to expectant a dental visit for a toothache

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, the first thing your dentist will do is take a medical history and ask about your symptoms. They’ll then examine your mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw. X-rays may also be taken to determine the cause of your pain.

Once the cause of your pain has been determined, your dentist will develop a treatment plan. This may involve filling a cavity, getting a crown or root canal, or extracting a tooth.

If you have an infection, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to clear it up. A prescription pain reliever may also be recommended to help with severe dental pain.

19th Ave. Dental Care: a top dentist in Phoenix to relieve tooth pain

Regular dentist visits are the best way to prevent dental problems and relieve any existing pain. At 19th Ave. Dental care, we take your oral care seriously, because we want you to feel and look your best with a healthy smile.

We offer Sunday and same-day appointments for emergency dental care so you can be seen quickly and easily. Schedule an appointment today!